Ticket to Ride (planes and cars)
Wednesday 18 May 2016 the date for the Brisbane Lions Player Sponsor Function. Given what transpired the Saturday (Port Adelaide massacred us) before it was always going to be a strained atmosphere.
I flew into Brisbane, collected my hire car (nifty little Toyota Corolla, nice but not my Kia ) and drove to my hotel (Gabba Central Apartments) without getting lost!!!
The delightful Normal Autistic Kid dropped by and we crossed the road to the Gabba.
It's always a good evening when the champagne is flowing and the canapés are plentiful. Apart from meeting up with my sponsored player (Josh Clayton) who was a perfect gentleman, it is always fun to catch up with other friends and sponsors. Tommy and Drew are just the most delightful couple and it was lovely to catch up with them after a year,sadly we didn't get to go to the pub for a glass or seven of Chardy but we will catch up again next year.
Then there was Frances and Stella, two sisters we met when we went to Wellington to watch the Lions beat StKilda in 2014. It was great to catch up with the ever lovely Kim, but we missed Sheryn and Roger and one of my cosponsors Margaret.
The cheeky Sammy Mayes took us on a tour of the facilities and he roped several of the other players, including Josh, into his patter.
Whilst we were hob nobbing the Boy Child contacted me, he needed to get his resume off my laptop and get it updated but alas, he has no computer of his own! He drove into Brisbane and waited for me to finish socialising (hence the no Chardy). It was good to see him (he is now a full time employee of ADBRI Masonry).
Thursday 19 May 2016 I drove the two hours to Toowoomba and had lunch with my bestie, Borah, at Club Glenvale.
We both had the Chicken and Asparagus Crepe. Tasty. We spent a pleasant few hours catching up before I made my way to Tuscany on Tor to stay the night. The best part of this place is the spa bath!!!!
The Mini Brat came over later in the evening and we had a catch up chat!! It was so cool catching up with the kids, I did miss out on seeing my Grandsons and their Mum, sigh.(My supervisor was a pain about me taking the three days off, even though I gave him four weeks notice, oh well let's see how he copes in August when we go on the cruise!!).
Friday 20 May 2016 I drove to beautiful down town Oakey and spent the day with Mum. We went shopping and then she cooked me a really yummy dinner. Mum is about the only thing I miss about Oakey.
Saturday 21 May 2016 a two and a half hour drive back to Brisbane and fly home……….
HR picked me up from the airport and it was good to get home!!!!