Chapter Forty-Seven: Clause Confirmed

“I'm glad your shoulder is okay
again.” Belle poked the now healed shoulder of Charlie, who
“It means I can use both Arm Scythes
again. Also means you don't have to worry about using the Lions Claw
ever again.” Charlie teased.
“Meanie pants.” Belle teased back.
The pair sat in their tree, watching the sunset. Below them, Lizzy
was in the new sandpit with Madeliene and Oscar, building
“Have you noticed Lizzy's been a
little off recently?” Charlie asked off-handedly.
“A little. Except when she's with
Madels or sucking up to Sammy.” Belle replied, pulling a leaf off
the tree and shredding it. It was hard to believe that she'd seen
this tree fall down.
“Sucking up to Sammy?” Charlie
asked incredulously.
“Yup, she's had a crush on him since
before you went to Awesomica.” Belle told him. “Surely you've
“Nope.” Charlie admitted.
“Worst. Older sibling. Ever.” Belle
“Then why is my sister playing with
YOUR younger siblings instead of you?” Charlie smirked.
Thankfully, he didn't injure his
shoulder again in the ensuing fall.
That night, Ruby Daryl decided that a
bonfire was in order. Unfortunately, the site of aforementioned
bonfire was already occupied by a small book store.
I think you can see where this is
Anyway, Ruby Daryl had just started
pouring the petrol when Lady Courage showed up. Now, while Lady
Courage was fully aware of who was in the Ruby Suit, Daryl had no
idea that his sister was one of the Noble Knights of the Last Order.
“How in the world did you know I was
here?!” Ruby Daryl yelped. “Do you have a tracker on this Suit or
“I wouldn't know, I didn't build it.”
Lady Courage lifted up her arm and pushed in the face of her watch.
Pretty soon, the whole Order would be there, and then there'd be a
“All I want to do is have some fun,
I'm not hurting anyone!” Ruby Daryl complained.
“You're ABOUT to destroy someones
livelihood.” Lady Courage pointed out.
“They'll have insurance!”
“There's only one insurance company
that'll insure around here, and they're in your fathers pocket.”
“Do you REALLY think they'll get an
insurance payout?”
“Not my problem!”
“You really are a selfish arse.”
“Lady Courage!” Sir Hedgehog
arrived with Sir Dark, Lady Luck and Sir Lionheart. “Is he
“I'm ALWAYS serious!” Ruby Daryl
sounded offended.
“You're a serious moron you mean.”
Sir Lionheart snapped. “Chuckles and Giggles should be here soon,
why don't you run off before you get your backside handed to you
again like last time?”
“That was more the Outer Knights than
Chuckles and Giggles!” Ruby Daryl sneered.
“Because Chuckles and Giggles have
NEVER taken out the Ruby Suit.” Lady Luck rolled her eyes.
“You know, that's a good point.”Ruby
Daryl sneered. “Don't you agree gentlemen?”
The four Knights looked horrified. Four
Death Valley Mobsters appeared, each wearing a green copy of the Ruby
“What do you think of the Emerald
Suits?” Ruby Daryl laughed. “I will admit, they're no where near
as good as the Ruby Suit, whomever created it was a genius, but
they're still pretty good!”
Lady Luck looked at Sir Dark in horror.
The Emerald Suits might be inferior in power, but they'd be much
harder to take out – there were NO shoulder boxes!
One of the Mobsters threw an Emerald
Shard towards the four Knights. Dodging, they saw the first
limitation of the Emerald Suits – the Emerald Weapons didn't last
long before evaporating.
“Definitely not the Ruby Suit.”
Lady Courage smirked at her brother beneath her mask, earning her a
scowl back from under his mask.
Sir Dark, Sir Hedgehog and Sir
Lionheart had already begun to fight off the new Emerald Mobsters.
Lady Courage meanwhile made a beeline towards Ruby Daryl, while Lady
Luck hung back waiting to treat any wounds. It wasn't too long before
Sir Hyper and Lady Silent showed up, and the numbers began to favour
the Knights of the Last Order.
“You really think it's going to be
that easy?” Ruby Daryl took a swing at Lady Courage with his Ruby
Sword. “You don't know HALF of our new tricks!”
“I'm sure you're going to show us.”
Lady Courage groaned, breaking the Ruby Sword in two with her
baseball bat.
Ruby Daryl snarled and opened his hand,
four Ruby Whips appeared. Each Whip connected to one of the Emerald
Suddenly, the Knights of the Last Order
were now dealing with FOUR Ruby-powered Emerald Mobsters, which were
now just as dangerous as the original Ruby Suit.
“Not good!” Sir Lionheart squeaked
as an Emerald Shard came flying towards him. He rolled out of the
way, but was struck with an Emerald Whip on his hip bone, paralysing
“We have to separate them!” Lady
Luck rolled out of the way of an Emerald attack, clutching her
first-aid kit tightly.
“How?!” Rasped Lady Silent, trying
to block a barrage of Emerald Shards.
Meanwhile, Chuckles and Giggles were
rushing to the scene as fast as they could.
“If you hadn't been so caught up in
doing your hair we'd be there by now!” Chuckles groaned as he ran
below the flying Giggles.
“Hey, YOU were the one who wanted a
toilet stop before we left the tip!” Giggles shot back, annoyed.
The pair shot down a small one-way
street, hoping to save time. Alas, the Outer Knights of the Last
Order had the same idea.
“Not you lot again.” Chuckles
rolled his eyes.
“I thought you'd already be at the
scene causing havoc and mayhem?” Giggles asked.
“Sir Moonlight wanted a toilet break
before we left.” Lady Sunlight shrugged.
“Hey, you two were the ones who had
to have their hair right!” Sir Moonlight defended himself.
“Nevermind that, we need to get to
that book store and figure out what's going on!” Lady Starlight
looked harassed.
“Chill out already!” Lady Sunlight
looked concerned at her sister. “We'll get there and save the day,
no problem.”
“Because it's all about the glory.”
Giggles rolled her eyes.
“What's your issue?!” Sir Moonlight
“Look, let's get going already!”
Lady Starlight tore off, agitated.
“Hey, come back here!” Giggles flew
after her. Chuckles was about to follow, when an arrow from Sir
Moonlight stopped him.
Lady Starlight approached the
battlefield. The Noble Knights of the Last Order were in complete
disarray. Lady Courage, Sir Dark and Sir Hyper were the only ones
left standing, while Lady Luck tried desperately to tend to the
others. Her task was made more difficult by the Emerald Mobsters.
Ruby Daryl meanwhile had returned to pouring petrol around the
book store, while being careful to maintain his connection to his
Lady Starlight was about to rush in and
attack, when a strong hand pulled her back.
“You can't just rush out there by
yourself, we need to wait for Chuckles and the others!” Giggles
told the younger woman off.
Lady Starlight shook her off. “I
could sort them out easily.” Was her arrogant retort.
“I might be able to severe the
connections between Ruby and the guys in green, but there's still
four of them to one of you and we don't know where the conversion
points on these other suits are so FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD
roared in fury as Lady Starlight made her way out to fight.
She'd seen her target. The Emerald
Suits might not have had shoulder boxes, but the conversion between
thought and matter had to be made somewhere. Logically, that would be
made somewhere in the upper region of the body. That's when Lady
Starlight had noticed the small green lights on the chest-plates of
the Emerald Suits. Giggles could easily severe the connections,
making any attack easier.
All that was needed was a little luck.
Lady Starlight ran into the line of
sight of the four Emerald Mobsters.
“Why don't you come after a REAL
fight?!” She taunted, which drew the Emerald Mobsters after her.
Meanwhile, Giggles executed a perfect aileron roll through the Ruby
Whips, destroying the connection between Ruby Daryl and his crew.
“What the…oh, it's YOU. Where's
your little boyfriend? Scared of me?” Ruby Daryl sneered at
“Just doesn't think you're worth the
effort, sorry sweetheart.” Giggles shot back, pulling out the Lucky
Seven Gun and aiming for the shoulder boxes.
With the Ruby Whips destroyed, Lady
Starlight found it easy to take out the Emerald Suits. The first one
was by far the easiest, as Sir Hyper had the Emerald Mobster in a
reverse sleeper hold, exposing the chest-plate to a direct hit from
one of Lady Starlights throwing stars. The second was a bit harder,
as Lady Courage wouldn't stay still, making the Emerald Mobster have
to duck and weave to keep from having his head removed from her
trusted baseball bat (why wouldn't you stick with the classics?).
Eventually she got stabbed in the shoulder with one of the Emerald
Shards, and Lady Starlight scored a direct hit when he stood over his
fallen prey. The third one was mainly the work of Sir Dark, who saw
what Lady Starlight was doing and tried to emulate her. He managed to
hit the chest-plate on a fluke when the Emerald Mobster tried to
dodge a throwing star.
Lady Starlight grinned, certain that
the fourth and final Emerald Mobster would be a breeze. Alas, upon
seeing the carnage she had wrecked upon his co-workers, the last
Emerald Mobster decided to go on the offensive. Just as Lady
Starlight turned around ready to throw the last star, she was stabbed
in the middle of her back with an Emerald Shard.
She staggered, the effects of the
Emerald Shard not nearly as punishing as a Ruby Shard, but still
enough to give the Emerald Mobster the upper-hand. Forming an Emerald
Dagger, he prepared to finish off the Outer Knight.
Thankfully her big brother Chuckles
stepped in, or who knows what might have happened. With one punch,
the light on the Emerald Mobsters chest-plate was cracked by one of
the Arm Scythes. All four Emerald Mobsters were defeated, and Ruby
Daryl decided to scarper.
“I'll get you back for this, just see
if I don't!” Ruby Daryl flew away in a rage. Giggles prepared to
give chase, but as per usual her Backpack cut out and she was left on
her backside. Why she doesn't have lower back trouble is anyones
“You're lucky I got here when I did.”
Chuckles scolded Lady Starlight. Giggles head snapped up. Luck?
Lady Starlights blood ran cold. That
hadn't been luck at all. There was no way she could deny it now, not
after what had just happened.
“Let's get out of here. C'mon
Starlight.” Sir Moonlight grabbed Lady Starlight by the arm.
“You shouldn't have run off on us,
you could have been killed.” Lady Sunlight said crossly as they
made their way back to their hideout.
“I'm sorry.” Lady Starlight
“SORRY?” Lady Sunlight fumed. “All
you can say is sorry? We're supposed to be a team you know, we're
supposed to do this together. How are we supposed to…”
The rest of Lady Sunlights speech was
lost on Lady Starlight, who was deeply shaken.
She had just activated the
Improbability Clause.


© 2021 Kezzstar24